AMUNET - The best leak aggregator!

Dear Friends, On the Amunet forum, we aggregating and posting data from more than a hundreds different sources, and we will also tell you about new high sensitive leaks and news in the IT and information security.

Best Regards, Amunet Support Team


Jul 4, 2022
Paranoid 5.0.0

1. New services added:
1. github
3. humblebundle
4. linkedin
5. minecraft
6. reddit
7. wordpress(wp-admin, not
10. facebook social (check your Facebook social account)
11. twitter ads (check ads for twitter account separately)
12. seznam
13. rambler
14. icloud
15. kleinanzeigen

2. Fixed old services:
1. fortnite
2. battlenet

3. Added the ability to run several checks in parallel
4. Account Manager redesigned
5. The proxy checker has been redesigned - now it is several times faster
6. Added the ability to export only required service fields
7. Fixed the speed of many services
This version requires a new license. Contact support.
Jul 4, 2022
Update 5.0.2

1. Исправления ошибок экспорта и чтения большого объема данных

1. Fix export and reading bugs of bulk data


@Checker_Support_Bot поможет вам купить, проверить и отвязать лицензии купленные через бот. Более того, в Профиле -> Реферал вы можете найти свою реферальную ссылку, которая будет давать вам 20% от каждой покупки, которую совершают ваши рефералы, включая повторные покупки.

На бонусы с реферальной системы сможете покупать лицензию или если собирается приличная сумма, напишите суппорту и сможете вывести средства.

Для получения помощи отправьте сообщение @Checker_Support.


@Checker_Support_Bot will help you Buy, Check and Unbind your licenses. Moreover, in the Profile -> Referral you can find your referral link that will give you 20% of every purchase that your referrals make, including repeated purchases.

With the bonuses from the referral system you can buy licenses or if you get many referral credits you can text the support and withdraw them.

For help text @Checker_Support